Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly enhance the quality of life and drive economic progress in South Africa, as outlined in the government’s National Development Plan.
The founding partners collaboratively embarked on a journey that will see strides made toward developing an AI strategy and policy for South Africa, in line with the DCDT’s National AI Plan.


Building on the vision of the Presidential Commission Report on 4IR, the FAIR Forward project, an initiative of GIZ, together with DCDT had crafted a plan to consider how we might determine the level of AI Maturity in South Africa, before we consider a strategy and/or policy on AI, so that such policies or strategies could be evidence-based and data led.

GIZ together with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) tendered for this activity of the Maturity Assessment, and the University of the Western Cape (UWC) was appointed.

Founding Partners

Project Outcomes

  • The founding partners aims to develop an AI Maturity Assessment Framework for South Africa.
  • This framework will empower government to conduct a comprehensive, evidence-based analysis of the level of AI maturity of the different sectors in South Africa, providing crucial insights into our position on the global AI journey.
  • The data and insights emanating from this assessment will inform targeted interventions to bolster thriving sectors of the AI ecosystem and support the development of under-resourced sectors.

Project Outputs

Development of framework

Develop a framework (through a comprehensive situation and data analysis) that evaluates the country’s AI readiness and maturity.

Annual AI Maturity
Readiness evaluation

Publish an annual report, commencing 2025 on the “State of AI readiness of South Africa”.

Public Dashboard

Design and develop an online, interactive data-visualisation dashboard supporting framework & annual reporting process.
This dashboard will be openly accessible (digital public good) and will be housed and maintained at CSIR.

Inform policy & practice

Formulate policy recommendations based on insights, data and situational analysis for AI policy development.
If you are part of the AI ecosystem and care about how to create sustainable societal benefit through these technologies, we would love to hear from you!

Let your voice be heard!

Current Partners

Founding Partners

An initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation, managed and hosted by the CSIR and affiliated to the World Economic Forum.

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